Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Beacon Technology Nepal | Bluetooth low energy beacons will have their day

Source    : Techeye
By        :  Mike Magee
Category  :  Beacon Technology Nepal

A report said that Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons will hit the mainstream market.
ABI Research said that in the third quarter of this year some big names bought into the technology.
Those include McDonalds, Carrefour, IKEA, Pizza Hut, and H&M.

Another trend leading to their use is that Group, Facebook and Google are bringing their beacon strategies to market.

Patrick Connolly, a principal analyst at ABI, said that most vendors are shipping multiple contracts in the 10s of thousands.

There’s evidence of a strong push for the beacons in India too, he said. InteractionOne has just deployed a 1,000 beacon network.

Applications straddle more than 20 vertical markts including industrial, vending, hospitals and airports.

(Read More : )

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